Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a subsurface investigation, commonly conducted when the Phase I ESA uncovers potential environmental liabilities on the subject property. The purpose is to develop and carry out a site-specific sampling and analysis plan to determine the nature and the extent of contamination.

We utilize the ASTM E1903-19 standard which is accepted by all banks and the Small Business Administration (SBA). Our reports are delivered electronically in PDF format via email. An executive summary is provided within the first few pages which will quickly give you our findings. Depending on the results of the samples, the Phase II ESA should outline additional site investigation needs, and potential remedial actions that may be required to clean up the property.

The Phase II environmental assessment includes the following:

  1. Scope of Work
    The scope outlines exactly what will occur during the process. This includes the number of samples taken, the analytics tested, and cost of vendors.

  2. Taking samples at the subject property

  3. Laboratory Analysis

  4. A Phase II ESA report accepted by banks and the SBA